In this example we will add additional DICOM tags to images created in DocScanFx.  Use the information here to modify images to meet any special storage needs you may have.


We will start with the basic "Scan Requisition" mode created in this article.  Next we will add information to DICOM tag (0010,0021) Issuer of Patient ID (IPID), set the tag (0028,2110) Lossy Image Compression, and add a value to tag (0028,2110).  We'll use the INI setting AdditionalDicomTags to reference an INI file section with these tag settings.


  • Line 10 below points the mode to look for a section named [DICOM-TAGS] in the INI file which contains the additional tags to apply to the images.
  • This INI value can be specified in the [COMMON] section if you want to apply the changes to all modes.  In this example the additional tags will only be used in the mode.
  • Lines 12-15 demonstrate the tags to add.  The format for the tags is:
    • TagName then an equal sign
    • TagNumber, then a pipe symbol (|)
    • Value to apply
  • Instead of a static value, Macros can be used to apply exam specific information to a value.  In the example below, line 15 sets the "Content Time" DICOM tag to the current time using a combination of three macro values: {{NowHour}}{{NowMinute}}{{NowSecond}}.  For more information on macros see the documentation see this article.

[Scan Requisitions - (Patient ID)]
ModeDescription=Scan paper requisitions into a recent existing PACS exam.

Lossy Image Compression=(0028,2110)|01