Macros are data placeholders which are replaced with actual exam data from the DICOM archive or modality worklist query.  Macros can be used when adding custom DICOM tags, in electronic forms, workflow popup notifications, and when DocScanFx is setup to launch third party applications.  This is very useful to allow exam relevant information to automatically be placed in forms, e.g., generating virtual requisitions, or for passing patient/exam information into the notification messages or third party software.   Note that if a mode allows for multiple exams to be added to a single image event, only the first exam will be used to pull macro information.

Macro values are specified with double curly brackets as listed below.

{{Patient DOB}}

{{Patient ID}}

{{Patient Gender}}

{{Patient Name}}


{{Exam Description}}

{{Exam Date}}

{{Exam Time}}


{{Exam Reason}}





