When using multiple search, the default search date options in the drop down menu are:

Adding the code below to your INI file will adjust the text in the Date drop down menu to be whatever you want:

MultiSearchDateRangeOptions=Around now|Recently|Distant Past

Around now=1-Today+1
Distant Past=3650-Today

  • Add rows 1 & 2 from above to your "mode" section in your INI file.
  • The option in row 1 is a pipe delimited list of date names you want to show in the drop down.
  • The option in row 2 is the default date name you want used if the end user doesn't choose one themselves.
  • The section shown in rows 4-7 needs to be placed in your INI file so the date names can be mapped to DocScanFx's date range format.
  • Note that you don't have to use custom values and instead could just limit the included search date ranges with a setting like this:
    • MultiSearchDateRangeOptions=Today|7 Days|No Restrictions