(Current Version)


  • Fixed issue with ping/DICOM echo test popup window box corrupting user interface after closing the test results.
  • Fixed issue with the application crashing if an archive query is interrupted due to a network problem. The end user is now presented with a message to retry the query.

New / Changed

  • New option for DicomImportThreads to speed up tag modifications by processing them in parallel.  DicomImportThreads  defaults to 10 and can be set from 1 -> 100.
  • If your support is eligible for upgrades, the ABOUT screen will show an option to update the software when new releases are available.  To disable showing this button set COMMON\AboutShowUpgradeButton=False


  • Fixed error if the SEND button is clicked and there are no images to send.
  • Fixed missing DICOM tag issue with DICOM images created from forms.

New / Changed

  • New URL launch integration option via DSTrigger to support Merative (Merge) MWO / MUV PACS.
  • MultipleSearchSetFocus - added "Accession" as a new option to set focus to.
  • Updated to DCMTK 3.6.8
  • INI option FormsCustomMacroPath can be used to centralize repeat form data.  

Click here for a complete description for using this feature

  • If the option SaveJpegCopyToFolder is used with v3.6.0.5+ options for custom file naming, the new option FileCopyToTempFolderFirst will cause the images to be saved to a temp folder before the file rename and move to the file destination.  This was needed because 3rd party systems doing a file watch on the final destination had the potential to pick up the original file before it was renamed.  FileCopyToTempFolderFirst defaults to True and can be set in the COMMON or mode specific sections.


  • Removed debug information messages when importing DICOM media.


New / Changed:

  • Updated cURL version 8.4.0_6
  • Updated Java version 21.0.1+12
  • New options for renaming the JPEG files that are created.  Allows you to replace characters or phrases in the filenames with other characters or phrases or delete them.  The integer at the end of the last 5 options can be incremented to allow for multiple different actions.  See example of using these settings in the “Saving JPEG Copies” section later in this document.
    • SaveJpegCopyToFolder
    • AlwaysClearJpegFolderBeforeNewSave
    • JpegCustomFilenameFormat  (if .jpg is not included it will be added)
    • JpegCustomFilenameReplacePhrase1
    • JpegCustomFilenameReplacePhraseDelimiter1
    • JpegCustomFilenameReplacePhraseValue1
    • JpegCustomFilenameReplaceCharacter1
    • JpegCustomFilenameReplaceValue1
  • New option TimeQueryPadMissingZeros can be set to True or False (Default)
    1. When set to True, DocScanFX checks each archive query's exam time stamp (0008,0030) and adds up to 3 prefixed zeros to correct the format.
  • Changed license validation function to force at least TLS 1.2
  • Support for individual pick list modifications for Called and Calling AE titles for both queries and storage events, and color themes for each.  See example of this in the “Using AE Picklists” section later in this document.


  • The default send timeout for sending created images to a DICOM archive is now 60 seconds.  An error will be shown if the send timeout is reached
  • Corrected an error related to importing DICOM media files (CDs, etc.) and the files not being found when the import path was pointed to a root drive. The old setting 'DicomImportCopyRemovableMedia' to disable/enable this feature has been renamed to 'DicomImportCopyFiles' and it defaults to 'True' and can be set in the COMMON or Mode specific sections.
  • The License key font on ABOUT screen was decreased to fix cutoff issue.

New / Changed:

  • The screen capture tool defaults to a new, optional application which is a custom fork of a 3rd party screen capture tool.  This allows for more accurate captures and smart window detection.  You can revert to the original DocScanFx screenshot tool with this setting:
  • INI option ScreenshotGsDisable defaults to False but when set to True the original screenshot tool is enabled.  Set in mode or COMMON section.
  • INI options specific to the new screenshot method: (all can be set in a Mode specific section and/or the COMMON section)
    • ScreenshotGsMode = Region (default) or Window - 'Region' is a 2 click rectangle draw to grab a region and 'Window' is a smart window detect as you hover over the desired capture area.
    • ScreenshotGsMouse = True or False (default) - Decides if the mouse cursor is included in the capture region.  This would only apply if the cursor was visible with smart window detect.
    • ScreenshotGsCameraSound = True or False (default) - Decides if a camera sound effect is turned on or not when capturing images.
    • ScreenshotGsRegionColor = blue (default) - Sets the color of the selection region.
    • ScreenshotGsRulerColor = blue (default) - Sets the color of the width & height rulers.
    • ScreenshotGsNumberColor = black (default) - Sets background color of the width & height ruler numbers.
    • ScreenshotGsAltRegionColor = green (default) - controls the color of the selection region when ScreenshotGsMode is swapped to the opposite mode via the ALT key.
    • ScreenshotGsAltRulerColor = green (default) - controls the color of the width & height rulers when ScreenshotGsMode is swapped to the opposite mode via the ALT key.
    • ScreenshotGsAltNumberColor = black (default) - Sets background color of the width & height ruler numbers when ScreenshotGsMode is swapped to the opposite mode via the ALT key.
    • ScreenshotGsShowMagnifer = True (default) or False - Decides if the on screen magnifier is used during a region capture.


  • Notes:
    • When using the new capture method holding the ALT key while clicking the initial screen shot button will swap to the alternate ScreenshotGsMode (Window to Region, or Region to Window). This lets user choose the opposite capture method from the default.
    • Holding down the CTRL key while clicking the screen shot button will auto-capture the last region previously captured.
    • The Screen capture button has a RIGHT click context menu to change the default capture mode for that session.  See 'ScreenshotGsMode' to permanently set it.
    • INI option AutoStartScreenCapture will trigger a screen capture as soon as a user leaves the patient/exam demographics screen. It defaults to False and can be used in a specific Mode or the COMMON section.  Note that in integrated mode, re-launching the integration component "DSTrigger.exe" while DocScanFx is already on the image acquisition screen will cause a new screenshot to start.
    • The values for colors options (ScreenshotGs______Color) above can be Hex code (must start with '#' to indicate that) or it can be any color name defined here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.drawing.color?view=netframework-4.7


  • Changes to Forms and Form Editor:
    • DocScanFx Forms fields can now have their textual content saved to the DICOM tags within the form image DICOM file.  Options for this are set in each of the form's field 'Properties' -> 'Other Options' section:
      • The "Save to Dicom Tag" field can be populated with an 8 digit DICOM tag to hold the data and, optionally, include a comma and instance number.
      • The "DICOM Parameters" section can hold one or more of the following transformation options separated by commas:
        • {{Truncate=16}}  - The number of characters to truncate the field's value to for saving in the DICOM tag.
          • Example value "100 cc's Omnipaque", with {{Truncate=16}} it becomes "100 cc's Omnipaq"
        • {{Round=2}}- Round to the indicated number of digits. Negative values round to the ones, tens, hundred, etc.
          •  Example value 12345.678: {{Round=2}} = 12345.68     {{Round=-2}} = 12350
        • {{Prefix=MyText}} - This adds the indicated text to the beginning of whatever value is entered in the field.
        • {{Suffix=MyText}} - This adds the indicated text to the end of whatever value is entered in the field.
        • {{Uppercase}} - Converts the field text to uppercase.
        • {{Lowercase}} - Converts the field text to lowercase.
        • {{Checked=True}}- The value to use if the check box is checked
          • Example: {{Checked=True}} the DICOM value would be "True" if the check box was checked.
        • {{Unchecked=False}}- The value to use if the check box is NOT checked
          • Example: {{Unchecked=False}} would cause the value to be the word "False" if the checkbox was not checked.
        • {{Order=1}} - If multiple fields have the same DICOM tag in "Save to Dicom Tag" those values will be combined together.  {{Order=1}} decides the order the fields are combined. "Order' must be equal to an integer greater than 0.  If no Order is present, the order defaults to the TAB order of the fields in the form. The separator value between multiple combined fields defaults to a backslash "\" character.
        • {{MultiValueDelimiter=\}}- Overrides the default backslash character when multiple fields are combined.
          • Example: A user enters “100” into a free text field for "cc quantity" which had {{Order=1}}.  The user selects the value "Omnipaque” from a "Contrast" drop down field which has {{Order=2}}.  Both fields have the same DICOM tag in "Save to Dicom Tag".  If the default delimiter is replaced because of this option: {{MultiValueDelimiter=cc - }} then the resulting value stored in the DICOM tag would be:

100cc – Omnipaque

This makes for a clean method to provide an input field for the numeric cc amount of the contrast, but ensure the contrast type is consistent with a drop down field to select from.

  • {{EndOfLine=<br>}} - In a multi-line text entry field, this overrides the default end of line (EOL)  character "\r\n"
  • INI option FormDicomGlobalEOL can be used to change the default multi-line form field's End Of Line (EOL) character.  The default value is "\r\n" and this value can be set in a Mode specific section and/or the COMMON section.   You could use this value to change the EOL to <br> in case you planned to read the DICOM tag programmatically in another system that needs the EOL in HTML format.
  • INI option FormDicomMultiValueDelimiter can be used to change the default delimiter character(s) used when multiple form fields are combined into the same DICOM value.  The default value is "\" and this value can be set in a Mode specific section and/or the COMMON section.

Want one less click!  Have a pop up box appear after document scanning which will send the images to PACS automatically after 

      a certain number of seconds. Users can also immediately send or cancel the auto-send if there is more to do. 

      In the COMMON or mode specific section, set INI option AutoSendCountdown to between 1 to 180 seconds (like AutoSendCountdown=5).


    - Fixed bug with trailing white space at end of ModalityChoices option causing it to not accept the XR modality type.

  • New improved Virtual Printer installer and ensures necessary folder permissions are in place.
  • Fixed issue with certain virtual printer workflows creating oddly named folders in root DocScanFx install directory.
  • FormsFilePath and FormsThumbnailPath no longer require a trailing backslash character
  • As of the date of this release, removed all known vulnerable classes from the log4j jar files. 
  • New "Change" button in the ABOUT screen to update the license key information.  This button can be hidden with this INI option:
    • AboutShowKeyUpdateOption = True*/False
  • When importing DICOM, change the editable Accession field to a drop down list that lets the user pick from your preset choices.
    • The choices can use macro values for generating unique accession numbers or other purposes.    
    • Option: AccessionChoiceValues has no default values.  See option StudyDescriptionChoiceValues which shares the same formatting.
  • New macro option {{NowYY}} to insert a 2 digit year.
  • Must have a license key with active support from 2021 or newer to use version
  • Fixed DICOM Echo feedback when clicking the MODE label to ensure previous successes doesn't hide future failed attempt.
  • Greatly improved rendering speed of electronic forms and evaluation logic.
  • Visual indicator that forms are loading helps when a large number of forms are loading.
  • Fixed inability to erase logic fields in the Form properties screen.
  • New Drawing INI options:
    • IsHighlighter=True/False*
      • When True the drawing pen is transparent to allow the background to show through.
    • AdditionalImagePath="PathToFiles\Files-Folder"
      • No default. Allows user to pick from the images in this one location.
      • Note that the default DocScan.INI file sets this to .\Resources\Image-Inserts.
    • AllowImageBrowse="PathToStartBrowsing\Folder" 
      • No Default.  Allows user to browse for images to add to the form.  
      • A path to start browsing is expected here.  If this value is not null and not a valid path the user's Desktop is used.
    • AllowScreenCapture=True/False
      • Defaults to False. Lets the user do a screen capture to insert into the form.
      • Note the default INI file sets this value to True.
  • Changes to Forms and Form Editor:
    • Flag a single text line or combo as only: float, integer, alphanumeric data type
    • Copy/Paste one or more fields
    • Added SAVE button in upper right corner to Editor screen to save work as you go
    • Added macro value option for patient age: {{Patient Age}}
    • Master macros file can be used as source for default values in combos, drop downs, single line text, and multi-line text fields.

  • Better imported file decompression
  • Fixed potential 5-10 second delay when transitioning from exam selection screen to scan/import/form screen.
  • Fixed DICOM 'echo' test reporting false positive results
  • Fixed issue with pages being out of order when virtually printing more than 9 pages. Windows filename sorting causes the pages to sort as 1, 10, 11, 12…, 2, 20, 21…, etc. Zeros are now appended to the filenames to force the sorting to be correct. See options: ForceFolderFilesToNormalSorting and FolderImportZeroesToAppendToFilename for to make adjustments if needed.
  • When editing images or drawing on forms, the following changes have been made:

    • New drawing tools:
      • Straight lines (solid or dashed)
      • Ellipses (solid or dashed)
      • Star
      • Arrow (solid or outline)
    • Eraser tool uses last chosen tool size for the eraser thickness.
    • Drawing tools and text tools share the same visual color pick palette
    • Increased the default thickness of the small, medium, and large lines and increased the default chosen text size
    • Moved Undo/Redo buttons
  • Updated TWAIN scanning engine to NAPS2 v6.1.2
  • Updated to Java 16.0.1+9
  • DICOM Importing now has the option at the EDIT exam level screen to match each imported exam to a Modality Worklist (MWL) order. Use this if the PACS requires all imported exams to be matched to orders. See new INI options ImportAllowExamSearchMWL and MWLQuerySource for details.
  • Fixed About screen beep attack due to missing logo image
  • The AnonymizeQueries option can be set globally in the Common section or in a mode specific section.
  • New History Logging option adds the ability to generate a custom log of work performed in DocScanFx. This is different from turning on auditing. You can decide what information is written per log row whenever a task completes in DocScanFx. The purpose is to give a visual reference of recent exams to avoid duplicate work. These new History Logging INI options are COMMON or MODE specific: HistoryLogFile, HistoryLogLine, HistoryTopAppend, and HistoryMaxLines.
    • An easy way to view this log file is to make a shortcut DocScanFx's LogView.exe application (located in the ‘Resources’ folder) and include a path to the history log file location. Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\DocScanFx\Resources\LogView.exe -file "C:\Users\YourProfile\Desktop\DSFX History.txt"
    • Additional macros have been added to make the History Log more useful. Note: some macros don't work with DICOM Importing.
      • {{SendStatus}}    {{CalledAeTitle}}    {{Username}}
      • {{Hostname}}      {{IPaddress}}        {{IPaddress1-4}}
      • {{Temp}}          {{Desktop}}          {{Documents}}
  • Clicking the text ‘MODE’ with a mode chosen from the drop down menu will no longer display the mode’s setting text. It will now only test the send destination(s) with a PING and DICOM ECHO.
  • Removed the pop up warning for single workstation licenses when support is nearing expiration. This message incorrectly implied that single license installs would stop working. The pop up warning still exists for trial licenses and deployment licenses (bulk accounts).
  • Fixed the DicomMediaWatch shortcut being written to the wrong location during install.
  • Fixed a problem with the DSFXmon process spawning multiple times and adjusted it to use less system resources monitoring for errors.
  • The INI option ModalityChoices now accepts a blank entry in the modality choice options. Example:
    • ModalityChoices= ,CR,CT
  • When importing DICOM files, the ability to copy DICOM information from one tag to another has been added. Among other things, this is useful for correcting DICOM files that are missing the Meta Information Header. Example fix:
  • ['Mode Name']
    MediaStorageSOPClassUID=(0002,0002)|((0008,0016))|UI|1 MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID=(0002,0003)|((0008,0018))|UI|1
    • Explanation: Note the MediaStorageSOPClassUID row has a double parenthesis DICOM tag in the 'value' field, e.g., ((0008,0016)). Tag 0002,0002 will be replaced (or created if missing) with whatever tag information is found in 0008,0016 in the same DICOM file. In this example two missing 0002 meta information header tags are being replaced with tags from the DICOM Data Set and the Transfer Syntax is being set statically.

  • When WriteDebugLog=True, there is a new ABOUT button context menu option to erase the logs. Use this to clear all existing logs after troubleshooting, and/or to clear the logs before triggering a condition you are watching.

  • Fixed a misspelling of the IntegrationQueryMissingValuesWithTag option. Recommended to use the new corrected setting, but the former one works as well (IntegrationQueryMissingValuesTWithTag).

  • ABOUT popup window changes:

    • The license key is now shown under the system ID. Clicking the system ID or key will copy the licensing details to the clipboard.

    • Clicking the DocScanFx ‘page’ logo in the upper left corner will copy DocScanFx licensing, INI, and install details to the clipboard. This is an easy way to obtain config details to pass along to support when troubleshooting.

    • The hyperlink for ‘Support’ now correctly sends an email to help@docscanfx.com.

  • Installation has an “Upgrade” option that will only replace necessary files and retains the existing DocScan.INI, scanner config, integration, and form files.

  • Philips iSite PACS integration file has improved error checking for exams that may be missing certain demographic details.

  • New INI Options:

    • ClearVirtualPrintFolderOnExit - True (default) or False. Common section only.

      • New option to ensure the virtual print folder is empty if user cancels out of DocScanFx.

    • SeriesOptions – No Default. Common or Mode specific.

      • Ability to change series info on each image and override the default SeriesNumber and SeriesDescription. Add this option to either the COMMON or Mode specific section. Use a list of pipe delimited entries in the format of SeriesNumber:SeriesDescription (see example).  Enter “Custom” as a value in the pipe delimited list to allow the user to enter their own values. Note that setting more than one thumbnail to different values when StackSeries=True (the default) will result in only the first changed series/number and description combo being used for all the stacked images. Set StackSeries=False if you need separate series with different numbers/descriptions.

      • Example: SeriesOptions=99999:Requisition|800:MRI Worksheet|Custom

    • ImportAutomatedTagModsOverrideManuallyEditedTags - True or False (Default). Common or Mode specific.

      • Sets the default behavior when there is a conflict in changed DICOM tags during the CD importing process. The DICOM tags can be modified either by the user changing the patient or exam information manually while importing, or by specifying a list of tag changes in the Mode. When set to:

        • False: If the Mode is setup to force tag changes and the end user has manually edited the same tag, then the user's value will be used instead of the automated changed in the INI file.

        • True: The mode's settings will always override any manual change the user attempted.

    • InitialDrawingTool - Pen (default), Line, DashedLine, Rectangle, DashedRectangle, Ellipse, DashedEllipse, Star, Arrow, ArrowOutline, or None. Common or Mode specific.

      • Set the initial drawing tool when editing or opening a form.

    • ImageEditorColor - Black, White, Red (default), Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, or Purple. Common or Mode specific.

      • Replaces INI options 'ImageEditorTextColor' and 'ImageEditorPenColor' since there is now one combined tool color option for drawing and for ad hoc text.

    • Three new Common or Mode specific INI options for adjusting the sizes of the eraser when a small, medium, or large drawing tool is selected:

      • ImageEditorEraserSizeSmall: 1-50, defaults to 5

      • ImageEditorEraserSizeMedium: 5-100, defaults to 20

      • ImageEditorEraserSizeLarge: 10-200, defaults to 40

    • CdImportPatientLevelMatchForceStudyCFind – True or False (Default). Common or Mode specific.

    • When matching an imported DICOM study to an existing patient by doing an archive query a patient level query is done. Some archives will not allow this, or facilities using a Laurel Bridge interface can see issues with this. Setting this option to True forces a study level CFIND to get around this.

  • ImportAllowExamSearchMWL - True or False (default). Common or Mode specific.

    • In the DICOM Import when an exam is selected and the Edit option is picked this option allows the chosen exam to be matched to a Modality Worklist (MWL) order.

  • MWLQuerySource – No default. Common or Mode specific.

    • Used in conjunction with setting ‘ImportAllowExamSearchMWL’. Set this equal to the name of a MWL entry from the DICOM section of the INI file.

  • HistoryLogFile – No default. Common or Mode specific.

    • Set this to the path and file name you want the log written to.

  • HistoryLogLine – No default. Common or Mode specific.

    • Set this to the information you want written to the history file. Use macros to insert custom values.

  • HistoryTopAppend – True or False. Defaults to True. Common or Mode specific.

    • When set to True new history log information rows are added to the top of the History file.

  • HistoryMaxLines – Defaults to 100. Common or Mode specific.

    • Set to the maximum number of rows you want in the History Log file.

  • PatientNameAddBeginningSearchWildcard – Set to True or False (default). Common or Mode specific.

    • If set to True, a preceding wild card '*' will be added to the name field to allow searching for any part of a name.

    • Example: With this set to True, typing only ‘bert’ in the name field would result in ‘*bert’ being sent for the search request and yielding results like Albert, Cuthbert, Dagobert, Elbert, Egbert, Engelbert, Filbert, Gerbert, Gilbert, Herbert, Hubert, Humbert, Ingbert, Isembert, Norbert, Robert, Tolbert, Wilbert, etc.

  • AddNewTechInitials – True or False. Defaults to False. Common or Mode specific.

    • When set to True, if a user types in Initials in the ‘Tech’ combo drop down field and the entry does not already exist in the list, then the new initials will be added to the INI file for future use as a drop down selection. Entries added in this manner must be manually removed (or edited) via the INI file.

  • SkipDicomResponsesWithModalityType – No default. Common or Mode specific.

    • Set to pipe delimited list of modalities to exclude from the search results. Applies to ARCHIVE searches only, not MWL searches.

    • Example: SkipDicomResponsesWithModalityType=KO|PR|SR

  • ForceFolderFilesToNormalSorting - Defaults to False for file imports, but when Virtual Printing will always be True. Common or Mode specific.

    • Forces an import folder location’s files to rename with appended zeros to fix sorting issue of 1, 10, 11, 12..., 2, 20, 21...

  • FolderImportZeroesToAppendToFilename - Defaults to 5. Common or Mode specific.

    • Used in conjunction with option ForceFolderFilesToNormalSorting, specifies the number of zeros to append to filenames when doing a folder file import.

  • Added video file conversion to multi-frame DICOM. Default video file types supported are AVI, MPG, MP4, and WMV. Use the 'ImportImageTypes' INI setting to adjust the Import file types.
  • By default an imported video will attempt to extract all video frames for conversion to DICOM. While there is an option to skip frames in the import process you can preset the skip rate using the new INI option 'ImportVideoOptionDefaultFrameSkip' in either the mode specific or COMMON section. It defaults to 1 and can be set to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 15.
  • INI option “ImportImageTypes” has these new default file types shown for importing: *.avi, *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.mpg, *.mp4, *.pdf, *.png, *.tif, *.tiff, and *.wmv
  • Note that you can reduce the size of the video to DICOM files, or imported image files, too, by enabling compression. Look for this setting in the COMMON section of your INI file and remove the leading semicolon to enable compression:
    • CompressDicomFiles=True
  • Fixed application crash if patient or doctor name was malformed with more than 4 delimiters.
  • Fixed "Cancelled Import" error when a brute force DICOM media import from a root drive (like D:) is performed
  • Removed Yodel Notification. Use 3rd party app launch to perform similar function
  • Dicom Media Watch now starts from the Common Start Menu Startup folder instead of the registry
  • New option to popup a destination choice at time of send for end users to pick where the images should store:
    • Specify an AE title like this example where is has a comma delimited list of other DICOM AE title choices:
    • PacsArchive=Archive|PacsArchive1,PacsArchive2,PacsArchive3
    • Note that the the AE title's 'Friendly name' (left of the equal sign) may be replaced with a 'Look Up Friendly Text' table. This feature defaults to a new INI section labeled 'LUFT' and uses a 'friendly' name to 'friendlier phrase' conversion:


PacsArchive1=St Marys Hospital

PacsArchive2=General Hospital

PacsArchive3=ABC Hospital

PacsArchive4=Dedicated Hospital

  • You can choose your own INI section name by setting this option in the INI file's mode or COMMON section:

LookUpFriendlyText=LUFT (if this is missing it defaults to LUFT)

  • New Form Editor and entry tool which allows for drawing on the form at the same time as filling out the text fields.
    • Note that any forms built in past versions can still be used, but the old editor and form entry will be presented.
    • You will need to recreate any forms to gain the benefits of the new editor and entry tool (sorry).  Visit support.docscanfx.com for details on using this new feature.
  • New context menus on form selection screen for managing forms and properties window to adjust logic settings, editing the form and thumbnail images, etc.
  • New INI option to show\hide all admin context menus within the DocScanFx application. 
    • Set EnableAdminContextMenus=True or False in the COMMON section of the INI file.   Defaults to True.
  • The word 'Modes' on the mode selection screen has a variety of new context menu options: show/hide all hidden modes, create desktop shortcut to the selected mode, or set a mode as shown/hidden/default.  All these admin menus can be disabled by with this setting:
    • EnableAdminContextMenus=False
    • Otherwise you can selectively enable them with these Common section INI settings:
      • ShowModeOptionAddShortcuts=True      -> provides option to create desktop shortcuts.
      • ShowModeOptionDisplayAllModes=True   -> provides option to show all modes from INI file, even hidden ones.
      • ShowModeOptionHideSelectedMode=True  -> provides option to toggles the selected mode as hidden or shown in the mode list.
      • ShowModeOptionSetModeAsDefault=True  -> provides option to toggles the selected mode as the default mode on/off so the next time DSFX launches this mode will already be chosen.
  • Fixed DocScanFx not returning as the top/active application after certain operations.
  • Fixed form thumbnail preview images not maintaining their correct aspect ratios.
  • A new Basic Setup wizard (BSW) is shown at startup if the DICOM ARCHIVE entry in the INI file is still set as the generic default.  The BSW allows for a more visual configuration and testing of the archive and MWL servers. Disable showing the BSW on startup with this setting:  COMMON\NoBasicWizardAtNewStartup=True    -> It defaults to False.  The BSW can also be manually relaunched from the ABOUT context menu. Disable showing the BSW in the ABOUT menu context menu: COMMON\ShowAboutOptionBasicSetupWizard=False    -> It defaults to True
  • DicomMediaWatch is a new feature where DSFX can watch for new DICOM media to be inserted (CD/DVD/USB) and then offer different modes for the user to import the data with. Search the support site for more information on how to configure DicomMediaWatch.  The main two settings used are:
    • Common\DicomMediaWatchDrive -> Pipe delimited list of drives to watch.   Defaults to D:
    • Common\DicomMediaWatchModes -> Pipe delimited list of modes to choose from when DICOM media is detected. The default is null.  It must be set to a mode like "CD Import" in order to function.
  • Updated to Java 13.0.2_8 from adoptopenjdk.net.
  • Increased the default size of search application window via a new default for this setting:  GuiSearchWidthIncrease=100
  • ImageEditorScalePercentage repurposed for new version of drawing app.  Range is 40 to 100, and defaults to 100 which is 100% zoom.  This setting is not needed in most circumstances.
  • New pop-up reminder notifications when Trial or Deploy licenses are nearing expiration.
  • Fixed a freezing bug when cancelling a screen capture
  • Added confirmation box when CD import is completed
  • Fixed issue with DICOM media import count not displaying the actual number of images imported
  • The v3.3.x.x release requires a license key that is valid from at least January 1st 2019 or newer.
  • New consolidated options for which image tools are displayed.  Use a comma separated list of the options.  Note option to specify rotate button as 90 degree, too.  This new feature eliminates all the separate lines in the INI file that normally would be needed to set each of these items.  Either the old or new settings can be used, but do not mix them in the same INI file, otherwise, oddities may result J   Examples: 
    • ScanOptions=Zoom, Invert, Gray, Rotate, Crop, Edit, Revert, Delete
    • ScanOptions=Zoom, Invert, Gray, Rotate90, Crop, Edit, Revert, Delete
  • New consolidated options for deciding source buttons.  Use a comma separated list of the sources.  Note options for ScanAuto, FormsOpen, and specifying the form section all on one line.  Examples:
    • SourceOptions=Scan, Import, Capture, Forms, Print
    • SourceOptions=ScanAuto, Import, Capture, Forms, Print
    • SourceOptions=Scan, Import, Capture, FormsOpen, Print
    • SourceOptions=Scan, Import, Capture, Forms[Forms-Notes], Print
    • SourceOptions=Scan, Import, Capture, FormsOpen[Forms-Notes], Print
  • Updated DSTrigger to version - Added new INI value to allow a PACS integrated PC that is also running DSFX in standalone to still virtual print and launch DSFX. It defaults to NULL, but if the 3rdParyIntegration setting is non-null, then this value becomes True:
    • COMMON\VirtualPrintDontStandaloneLaunchWhenIntegrated
  • New Scanner Auto-detect - This setting forces DocScanFx to discover all TWAIN scanners when a mode is run which has the scanning button enabled.  For most situations you won't need to manually configure the scanner anymore. Note that when a mode initiates this setting other modes can be affected by the discovery process. If you have specific scan profile needs use the 'NAPS2UseProfile' setting.  It is recommended to set this to 'Once' in the COMMON section to find the scanner(s) on first run and then the setting reverts to FALSE automatically.
    • ScannerAutoDetect=True/False/Once  -> Defaults to "False" and can be set in "Mode" or "COMMON" INI sections.
  • Scanner button context menu options - This setting sets which scanner button context menus are enabled using a comma delimited list of choices.  All options are enabled by default.
    • ScannerButtonContextOptions -> Defaults to "Scan, Paper, Page, Deskew, Detect, Edit"  / set in "Mode or COMMON"
  • Changed the 'NAPS2UseProfile' setting function - This setting will change the default scanner in the NAPS2 scanner profile settings.   This setting is checked by the scan button context menu functions and if a mode sets the default scanner it will change the default scanner for all modes from that point forward.  To use different profiles, set the base default scanner profile in the COMMON section and then alternate scanner profile names in the separate modes.
    • NAPS2UseProfile: Defaults to NULL  / set in "Mode or COMMON"
  • Set any of these options in the mode or COMMON section of the INI file so when a scanner auto-detect is performed you can overwrite the default values with your own. Default values are shown - so you only need to use these settings if you don't want these defaults.  Values are case sensitive and must match values the NAPS2 applications uses.  To discover the correct settings, use the NAPS2 Editor to make changes and then examine the Proxiles.XML file to see what the new setting needs to be in the DocScan.ini file.

























  • Variable DICOM store locations with the Philips iSite integration - A new option exists in the integration file to extract the AE title used to store the original DICOM image that the integration was launched from. This is passed in the XML file to DocScanFx and will be used as the "friendly" DICOM name looked up in the DICOM section instead of the 'friendly' name specified in the MODE. Why would you need this?  If you had nodes storing to iSite with different AE titles for which you had custom workflows assigned, you may want to use those same AE titles when adding DSFX images. Note that the integration file EnterpriseDocScanFx_Plugin-Scan.htm now has additional code to accommodate this and defaults to pulling the AE from tag 00731004 (you could change this). If you want to simulate an iSite integration sending a custom AE title name for testing purposes you can use the setting below which normally defaults to nothing, but can be set to a name to lookup in the DICOM settings.  A value like 'STENTOR_SCP' would normally be returned by the iSite integration and this same value would need to exist in the INI file's DICOM section with the correct IP, Port, and, of course, the same AE title.  The iSite integration passed AE title and 'friendly' name would be the same.  Please contact support if you have questions about using this new feature: support.docscanfx.com.
    • COMMON\TestXmlDestinationAeOverride -> for testing a Philips iSite integrated XML AE override workflow

  • Set 'ForceImageToMonochrome2=True' in Mode or COMMON to force YBR (RGB) images to MonoChrome2.  This is only needed in PACS systems that do not support window/leveling or inverting YBR/RGB images.
  • Updated functions for drawing on images and adding text.  Text boxes can now be repositioned after placing them and there is a new user interface design.

  • Remote License Management can now update a workstations license key over the internet for easier, automated license deployment.  If no internet access is available the keys can still be manually updated in the INI file.
  • Added Facility and Location INI entries in the INI's LICENSE section. If these fields are missing when there is no key set in the INI file, the end user will be required to enter these values. Use the Facility value to specify the name of the institution where the license is installed and the Location value to identify a specific department or work area.

  • Updated to 32 bit Java 12.0.1 from adoptopenjdk.net.
  • Support for converting multipage TIF files.   
  • Virtual printer now adds job IDs to filenames to ensure similarly named documents printed at the same time do not overwrite each other.
  • Form auto-submission has been corrected which provides an option to bypass clicking Send when filling out a form.
  • Added option to exit after sending images.  In the Common or mode specific section set ExitAfterSending=True to use this new feature.  Defaults to False.
  • Fixed misspelling of the INI option 'PixelAspectRation' to 'PixelAspectRatio'.
  • System ID auto-writes to the INI file for easy retrieval.
  • Adjusted code to ensure DocScanFx window is brought to the forefront after scanning is complete (and other operation which push DSFX back)
  • DicomSendWaitTimeout can be set to as high as 600 seconds now
  • iSite integration file now supports pulling DICOM tag information from multiple tags
  • DSTrigger for iSite integrations will not show an onscreen prompt when IE tries to block the integration popup, unless COMMON\iSiteIntegrationSkipWarnings is NOT set to True (defaults to True)
  • DSTrigger for iSite integrations has option for no audio feedback by setting COMMON\iSiteIntegrationBeepAlerts to anything other than True.  Default is True.
  • DocScanFx now has built in PDF conversion but optionally can revert to 3rd party NAPS2 w/GhostScript DLL if needed using this INI option in the COMMON or MODE section "ConvertPdfUseNaps2=True"    
  • New integrated PDF converter.  No need for third party DLL.
  • PDF conversion scale factor set by INI option ConvertPDFScaleFactor. Defaults to 2, but can be set from 1-10. Larger values will result in much larger images. Can be set in the COMMON or MODE specific sections.
  • New INI File Editor program makes editing your INI file and looking up setting usage a breeze.  Find it in the Resources folder or look for the shortcut in Start Menu\DocScanFx .  You can quickly access this feature by right clicking the ABOUT button and choosing the option to run the INI Editor.  Don't want this option in your ABOUT menu? Disable it using the setting below and setting it to False:
    • ShowAboutOptionChangeSettings: [True* / False] in the COMMON INI section. 
  • New integrated log viewer to replace 3rd party 'BareTail' app.  To revert to using BareTail, in your COMMON sections set UseBareTail=True.
  • Preset the new integrated log viewer's settings with the following INI options in your COMMON section:
    • LogViewWidth: [Defaults to 900] - Width of log viewer windows in pixels.
    • LogViewHeight: [Defaults to 600] - Height of log viewer windows in pixels.
    • LogViewXcoordinate: [Defaults to the DesktopWidth/2-(LogViewerWindowWidth/2)-40] - Left 'X' coordinate of the log viewer window.
    • LogViewYcoordinate: [Defaults to the DesktopHeight/2-(LogViewerWindowHeight/2)-40] - Top 'Y' coordinate of the log viewer window.
    • LogViewAutoScroll: [True* / False] - Decides if the log viewer scrolls to the latest entry or not.
    • LogViewWrapLines: [True / False*] - Decides if the log viewer should wrap long text lines.
    • LogViewAlwaysOnTop: [True* / False] - Decides if the log viewer is 'top most'.
    • LogViewHighlightColors: [Defaults to highlighting some errors in red, and some successes in blue] - use this option to customize the color coding of text in the log viewer.
      •   As an example of how to use it, take note of the default setting: -red "0 (1=Success / 0=Failed)" -blue "1 (1=Success / 0=Failed)"
      •   This means anytime the text "0 (1=Success / 0=Failed)" shows up in a line, the line would be red.
      •   Any time the text "1 (1=Success / 0=Failed)" appears in the log it would be blue. 
      •   Coloring is in order specified so  the first to qualify in your statement decides the entire row color.
      •   Add common color names and more text to this entry to further customize it.  To add making any line with the text "error" in it be orange you would use an entry like this:
      •       LogViewHighlightColors=-red "0 (1=Success / 0=Failed)" -blue "1 (1=Success / 0=Failed)" -orange "error"

  • New Installer sets file permissions, options for Philips iSite integration and virtual printer install
  • Fixed issue with missing logo on About screen
  • User will be prompted for the license key if none is set in the INI file.
  • New file Resources\SetFilePermissions.exe used to set necessary file permissions.  This runs at completion of the installer, or manually, and requires admin rights.
  • Fixed errors in DSFX-DicomCdCopy, DSFX-StoreSCP, and QueueDir processes (not in main DSFX app)
  • Corrected issue so if DocScanFx window is off the screen on next launch it will be inside nearest boarder(s) to last location
  • Adjusted the Forms filtering logic to allow the search or searched text to use macros
  • Disabled Virtual Printer Registry checks
  • Custom timeouts were not being reported in log file messages for DicomSendWaitTimeout option.  Now the custom timeout value is shown if the timeout is reached.
  • Removed Yodel notification component - contact support if you were utilizing this feature.
  • New version of DsfxDraw supports smoother drawing, better tool selection, and improved text image placement.  Requires at least Dot Net 3.5 (comes with Win10).  New command line arguments are:
    • ImageEditorScalePercentage: Whichever image dimension is largest in regard to screen layout will be scaled to this percentage of total available space.  Must be between 50 and 95 and defaults to 85.
    • ImageEditorAppPixelPadWidth: Additional horizontal pixel padding to shift the draw window to the right.
    • ImageEditorAppPixelPadHeight: Additional vertical pixel padding to shift the draw window down.
    • ImageEditorPenSize: What size pen to initially have selected.  Choices are: Small, Medium, Large and the default it Small.
    • ImageEditorPenColor: Which pen color to initially select.  Choices are: Black, White, Red, Orange, Blue, or Purple.  The default is Red.
    • ImageEditorBrushSizeSmall: Pixel size of the small brush, must be between 1 and 50 and defaults to 2.
    • ImageEditorBrushSizeMedium: Pixel size of the medium brush, must be between 5 and 100 and defaults to 5
    • ImageEditorBrushSizeLarge: Pixel size of the large brush, must be between 10 and 200 and defaults to 15.
    • ImageEditorTextSize: Initial font size: Can be 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, or 72 and defaults to 14.
    • ImageEditorTextColor: Initial font text color.  Can be Black, White, Red, Orange, Blue, Purple and defaults to Red.
    • ImageEditorTextFont: Initial font name to use - defaults to Arial.  Can be set to most common font names.
      • Note that these drawing settings must be in their own unique INI sections and that section name must be set with the ImageEditorSettings in either the Common or mode-specific section.  This allows for different image editor settings per mode.
  • Made adjustments to these settings' defaults so initial DocScanFx results window better displays information.  New default values:
    • QueryHeaderOrder=1|2|7|8|5|10|11-
    • GuiSearchWidthIncrease=60
    • QueryHeaderLabels=Patient|MRN|DOB|Sex|Date|Time|Order #|Mod|Doctor|Exam|SIUID
  • New compression mode for DICOM send option:
    • CompressDicomFiles - Defaults to False.  If set to True defaults to "JPEG Lossless, Non-hierarchical, 1st Order Prediction" compression.
  • Starting DocScanFx with any of these command lines will cause it to output the workstations System ID to the console: -SystemID, -SysID, SystemID, or SysID.  This is useful for scripted gathering of workstation System IDs for Key requests.
  • Updated to use Java 11.0.2
  • Corrected PixelAspectRatio default value from 0\0 to 1\1.  This can manually be changed in the Mode or Common section of the INI file if a different value is needed.
  • Fixed misspelling of the setting in the INI file for the option PixelAspectRation to PixelAspectRatio.
  • System ID auto-writes to the INI file on app launch for easy retrieval.
  • Adjusted code to ensure DocScanFx window is brought to the forefront after scanning is complete (or any other operation which pushes DSFX back

  • Fixed flashing cursor, clipboard hoarding bug - DocScanFx is back to its usual humble self
  • Add two new folders to DicomReceived folder and a batch file for setting necessary perms on these folders
  • DSFX-DicomCdCopy fixed bug where CD drive was stuck on "I:".  Now can be configured via INI option DicomDriveToMonitor in [DicomCdCopy]
  • DSFX-StoreSCP now has two new INI options in the DicomReceive section to move any studies from the temp store location to the final store location to ensure no exams are missed. 
    • DicomReceivedMinuteAgeToConsiderExamAsOrphaned: [5] Number of minutes old to consider an exam as an "orphan"
    • DicomReceivedMinutesToCheckForOrphans: [5] Number of minutes between checking for orphaned exams
  • DSFX-DIM now runs minimized on start unless this new INI option in the DicomReceive INI section is set to True:
    • DicomReceiveShowOnStart=True: [True/False*]
  • New CD Import INI Options all set in the DicomCdCopy section of the INI file:
    • PopUpAlerts: [True*/False] Now when DICOM media is imported an on-screen pop and audio incidator lets the end user know when it completes and details of the copy.
    • DicomImportGoodMsgText: [DICOM images imported successful.] Text shown when import is successful.
    • DicomImportGoodMsgFontSize: [52] Default font text size  when import is successful.
    • DicomImportGoodMsgTextHexColor: [0x00cc66] Hex color value used for background of successful popup message.
    • DicomImportGoodMsgWidth: [700] Maximum width of successful popup window.  Careful adjusting this, it can cause the popup to crash.
    • DicomImportGoodMsgMp3: [Success.mp3] Filename of the sound file (WAV or MP3) to play with the successful popup message.
    • DicomImportBadMsgText: [One or more errors occurred copying the DICOM images.] Text shown when import attempt has one or more errors.
    • DicomImportBadMsgFontSize: [52]  Default font text size  when import attempt has one or more errors.
    • DicomImportBadMsgTextHexColor: [0xff0000] Hex color value used for background when import attempt has one or more errors.
    • DicomImportBadMsgWidth: [700] Maximum width of popup window when there are errors.  Careful adjusting this, it can cause the popup to crash.
    • DicomImportBadMsgMp3: [Fail.mp3] Filename of the sound file (WAV or MP3) to play when import attempt has one or more errors.

  • Fixed media import issue when source has spaces in path
  • Mode selection drop down now has vertical scroll if modes list grows large
  • Fixed integration mode bug where only SIUID or Accession number is given when query/lookup is performed.
  • BareTail included in distribution
  • When typing in a multi-line form the cursor will correctly wrap to the next line when it runs out of room.  Note that rendered text may not wrap exactly as it does when typing it.  Validate the rendered image's content.
  • Fixed issue with reordering of form images not allowing the forms to be edited.
  • Several new options are available for electronic forms.  For more details check the "DocScan INI Settings v3.1.0.2.pdf" file or the support website.  Summary:
    • Forms can be filtered logically now to decide which ones are available based on several filtering options.
    • Forms can have logic so the form is forced open (or added directly as an image if there is nothing to fill out) when the scanning window is opened.  This will help ensure a form gets added for certain exam types.
    • Forms can have an attribute set so after they get added the user doesn't need to click submit - it happens automatically.  In integrated mode this turns into one button click to add a canned image to a study.
  • When DEBUG mode is enabled the ABOUT right click menu has a new screen capture function available which copies the DocScanFx application window to the clipboard.
  • Added CD Import mode features so a folder can be monitored for new DICOM files automatically.  Options can be added to Common or mode specific sections. New INI options:
    • ImportModeArchivePath - Folder where imported DICOM files are archived to.  There is no default value, but it's recommended to use "C:\Program Files (x86)\DocScanFx\Resources\DicomReceive\Archive"
    • ImportModeSourcePath - Folder where copied DICOM files are stored to.  There is no default value, but it's recommended to use "C:\Program Files (x86)\DocScanFx\Resources\DicomReceive\Dicom"
    • ImportMultiPatientListRefreshWait - The number of seconds to wait before checking if new DICOM import files exist for importing.  No default means no auto-checking.  Suggest a value of 15 when used.
    • ImportMultiPatientListRefreshCheck - When the list of available patient to import is shown for the user to pick from, this values specifies how long to wait before adding new patients to the list if additional files are added.  Defaults to 15 seconds.
    • ImportModeAutoSearchDefaultLocation - (True or False*) Causes the mode to automatically search the default location for files to import when the mode is first opened.
  • Added INI option so the end user cannot see the browse button to search for other import paths.  Set in Common or mode specific section.  When "False" the option is not available.
    • DicomImportAllowBrowseToButton - (True*/False)
  • Added INI option to allow the date time labels and fields to have a right click option that lets the user force the current date time.  Set in Common or mode specific section.  
    • AlwaysAllowDateTimeNowContexts - (True/False*)
  • Added INI options related to Philips iSite Integration:
    • 3rdPartyIntegration - Set to "iSite" to enable Philips iSite PACS integration.  See support site for additional setup requirements.
    • iSiteIntegrationTitle - Defaults to "Message from webpage".  Only change this value if instructed by support or you really like troubleshooting.
    • iSiteIntegrationText - On screen message while DocScanFx is launching from iSite integrated mode.  Defaults to "DocScanFx iSite Integration..."
  • Added INI option to kill orphaned NAPS2 processes.  Normally this isn't needed but in some cases scanning processes can crash and stay running in the background causing future scanning attempts to fail.  This option will force those closed prior to any attempt to run NAPS2 again.  COMMON section only.
    • KillOrphanNapsProcesses - (True/False*)
  • Added 2 alternative methods for inverting images.  Use new INI option below to select new methods of inversion.  Set to INVERT2 to use alternative code in DSFX or INVERT3 to use an external 3rd party software IRFANVIEW.
    • Set in Common or mode specific section.  
    • InvertMethod - Set to: INVERT*, INVERT2, or INVERT3
    • Note that to use INVERT3 the Resources folder must have an "IrfanView" subfolder with the IrfanView application files in it.
  • New INI options related to Virtual Printing.  These settings are all in the COMMON section of the INI file only.
    • VirtualPrintDeleteRemenantPrints - (True/False*) When True extra JPG files found in the virtual printer folder will be removed when a new print job adds images.
    • VirtualPrintAttemptDsfxLaunch - (True/False*) When True if DocScanFx is not running it will launch when user prints to the virtual printer.
    • VirtualPrintDefaultMode - (No Default) Set this to the name of a mode to launch into if the virtual printer is used without DocScanFx running.
    • VirtualPrintProcessTimeout - (Defaults to 60) Number of seconds to wait before the virtual print trigger disappears.
  • Archive queries can have results filtered based on the exams series or instance counts.  "...GreaterThanOrEqual" INI options must be 0 or higher.  "...LessThanOrEqual" INI options must be 1000000000 or less.
    • To use this your archive must be capable of returning these DICOM tags with an archive query:
      • Number Of Series Related Instances (0020,1209)
      • Number of Study Related Series(0020,1206)
    • New INI options to enable this (use in specific Mode or COMMON sections)
      • ArchiveQueryQualifyIfStudyRelatedSeriesGreaterThanOrEqualTo - (Defaults to 0) Study must have at least this many separate series to qualify to be shown.
      • ArchiveQueryQualifyIfStudyRelatedSeriesLessThanOrEqualTo - (Defaults to 1000000000) Study must have less than this many series to be shown.
      • ArchiveQueryQualifyIfStudyRelatedInstancesGreaterThanOrEqualTo - (Defaults to 0) Study must have at least this many object instances to qualify to be shown.
      • ArchiveQueryQualifyIfStudyRelatedInstancesLessThanOrEqualTo - (Defaults to 1000000000) Study must have less than this many object instances to be shown.
  • CD/DVD/Media import now supports reading a DICOMDIR file or brute force DICOM file discovery.  By default if a DICOMDIR file is found DSFX will read it.  To force a mode to always use brute force discovery set this INI option:
         DicomImportIgnoreDICOMDIR - (True/*False) When set to True this is a slower import method but useful for difficult CDs with improperly formed DICOMDIR files.  Can be set in COMMON or specific mode section.
  • Purging of the CD import archive folder is now an option.  Set this option to the number of days to retain files.  Folders older than this date will be deleted.
    • ImportDeleteFromArchiveAfterXDays - (Defaults to 90)
  • Added additional macro value which will be equal to the folder path that the imported DICOM files will be stored to.  This only applies when the DICOM destination is a folder path (not a DICOM Store Archive)
    • {{Destination Folder}}
  • Added two new macro values for date and time in DICOM Format:
    • {{DF Exam Date}} = YYYYMMDD
    • {{DF Exam Time}} = HHMMSS
  • Added macro value for modality:
    • {{Modality}}

  • Fixed problem with MWL queries where wrong results were returned if the birth date field was requested as a return tag value.  Birth date should already be returned by default.
  • For MWL, offer "only Implicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax" by setting INI option MWLImplicitVRLittleEndian = True.  Defaults to False and can be used mode specific or in the COMMON section
  • Upgraded DCMTK to newer version
  • Upgraded to NAPS2 v5.6.2
  • Added INI option AutoImageRotate=False*/True.  Causes images to rotate either 90 or 180 degrees automatically.
  • Added INI option ApplyAutoImageConversionsToManualImports=False*/True.  When manually importing images the auto convert to gray, invert, and rotate functions are not applied unless this values is set to True.
  • SetAccession, SetDescription, SetModality, and SetCurrentDateTime all work in Manual mode now.
  • Added INI option ManualModeHideStatus=False*/True.  Hide the Status field when in Manual mode.
  • Added INI option ManualModeHideDoctor=False*/True.  Hide the Doctor field when in Manual mode.
  • Removed white space deletion from call to INI Option ModalityChoices.  This allows adding blank space to the beginning to ensure an empty choice is available for Multiple mode modality choices after an initial search.  Example: "  ,CR,CT..."
  • Added Media Import to allow for importing from CDs, DVDs, any location a user can browse to.
  • Changed INI option DefaultDICOMSearchMethod to include a new option 'Import' which will put DocScanFx into media import mode
  • New INI Options related to Media Import:
  • ImportLocationChoices - No default.  A comma delimited list of paths the user can pick to search for import files from.
  • ImportLocationDefault - No default.  The default import from location
  • AttemptToDecompressImportedFiles - Defaults to False.  When set to True, DocScanFx will attempt to decompress every DICOM file prior to importing.  Useful for certain DICOM files that fail to store when archive doesn't support the compression format used.
  • GenerateNewUidsForImportedExams - Defaults to False.  When set to True, DocScanFx will replace all UIDs with newly generated ones to avoid duplicate UIDs in the archive.
  • ImportShowNameChangeWarning - Defaults to True.  When True, a warning is shown to the user about changing any name information and requires their approval.
  • ImportExamPromptToReuseExamsForScanning - Defaults to the text "Click 'Yes' to scan documents into the recently imported exams."   Use this to specify different text to use when asking user if they want to use the newly scanned documents for scanning in another mode.  This option is provided so a more specific statement can be made to the end user to help guide them in the desired workflow.
  • PostExamImportModeToRun - No default.  If populated with a valid mode name, that mode will be used after importing to allow user to scan/import/screen capture/add forms to the imported exams.  The just imported exam list is used instead of the normal query which would have been performed for that mode.
  • ImportAllowEditExam - Defaults to True.  If set to True, when importing exams allows the user to edit the exam level information (exam description and accession number).
  • ImportAllowEditSeries - Defaults to False.  If set to True, when importing exams allows the user to edit the series level information (series description and series number).
  • ImportAllowEditPatient - Defaults to True.  If set to True, when importing exams allows the user to edit the patient level information (patient name and MRN by default).
  • ImportAllowEditPatientDOB - Defaults to False.  If set to True, when editing patient level information decides if the patient's birth date can be changed.
  • ImportAllowEditPatientGender - Defaults to False.  If set to True, when editing patient level information decides if the patient gender can be changed.
  • ImportAllowPatientSearchMRN - Defaults to False.  If set to True, when editing patient level information decides if the option to search for matching patients by MRN is available.
  • ImportAllowPatientSearchName - Defaults to False.  If set to True, when editing patient level information decides if the option to search for matching patients by Name is available.
  • ImportAllowPatientSearchDOB - Defaults to False.  If set to True, when editing patient level information decides if the option to search for matching patients by Birth Date is available

  • Fixed control edit toggling bug for patient and exam controls
  • Fixed display fields bug for Semi-Manual mode
  • Added INI option SetAccession.  It has no default and is only valid for semi-manual mode (when OnlyInsertQueriedPatientData=True).
    • Use this to force a value into the accession number field.  Works with macros so if you wanted pseudo-random accession numbers you could make this equal to something like: Reports-{{NowSecond}}.{{NowMillisecond}}
  • Added INI option SetDescription.  It has no default and is only valid for semi-manual mode (when OnlyInsertQueriedPatientData=True).
    • Use this to force a value into the Study Description field.  Works with macros, too.
  • Added INI option SetCurrentDateTime.  Can be True or False and defaults to True.  It is only valid for semi-manual mode (when OnlyInsertQueriedPatientData=True).
    • Set this to True in order to force the current date and time into the exam fields so the end user doesn’t have to set them.
  • PDF files can now be imported.  NAPS2 will prompt to download additional software components to make this feature work.  Once downloaded, PDF import will be enabled.
  • New INI options when DefaultDICOMSearchMethod=Multiple

MultiSearchDateRangeDefault = Default

MultipleSearchShowSelectorDOB    (*True/False  - MODE or COMMON)

MultipleSearchShowSelectorMRN    (*True/False  - MODE or COMMON)

MultipleSearchShowSelectorName    (*True/False  - MODE or COMMON)

MultipleSearchShowSelectorGender    (*True/False  - MODE or COMMON)

MultipleSearchShowSelectorDate    (*True/False  - MODE or COMMON)

MultipleSearchShowSelectorAccession    (*True/False  - MODE or COMMON)

MultipleSearchShowSelectorModality    (*True/False  - MODE or COMMON)

MultiSearchDateRangeOptions = These are the names search options available in the date search drop down list.  Default is set to: Today|2 Days|7 Days|1 Month|3 Months|1 Year|No Restrictions

[MultiSearchDateRangeMapping] = New section available for mapping custom search range names to real search ranges

Example INI modifications using the above two setting:

      MultiSearchDateRangeOptions=Around now|Recently|Distant Past


Around now=1-Today+1


Distant Past=3650-Today

  • Added INI option MultipleSearchSetFocus. Can be set to MRN, DOB, Name, or Modality and defaults to MRN.  This is used to set focus on a particular search field when the search opens.
  • Tooltip on date range search shows date range for DEFAULT
  • Query result columns resize to fit the column's width of data they contain
  • New feature for INI option QueryHeaderOrder.  Add a minus sign to any column number you do not want to auto resize.  In this example the SIUID column won't resize:  QueryHeaderOrder.=1|2|7|8|5|10|11-
  • New INI Option: GuiSearchWidthIncrease.  Set to a number value between 10 and 300 to increase the search results screen to better fit the data you want to display.  Can be set in a specific mode or in the Common section to affect all modes.

  • Added ability to set DefaultDICOMSearchMethod=DOB in order to perform searches only by birth date.
  • Added ability to set DefaultDICOMSearchMethod=Multiple in order to perform searches with a combination of DOB, MRN, Name, and/or Modality
  • When doing a DOB search, data entered without / separators, or with incorrect separators, or with 2 digit years will be converted.
  • Added the INI options below so that if partial data is entered in MRN, Name, or Accession searches a wildcard character (*) will be added automatically to the end of the value:
    • PatientNameAddSearchWildcard    (*True/False  - MODE or COMMON)
    • PatientMRNAddSearchWildcard     (True/*False  - MODE or COMMON)
    • ExamAccessionAddSearchWildcard  (True/*False  - MODE or COMMON)
  • - Changed search GUI behavior for better workflow when adding and removing exams.  Search function goes away if an exam is 'added' and returns when the last exam is removed.
  • - Updated private Java to jre1.8.0_152
  • - Updated to NAPS2 to version 5.6.1
  • - Fixed bug related to DICOM file rename issue
  • - Adjusted width of exam date field so initial text would not be cut off
  • - DocScanFx Screen location coordinates and study IDs are stored to individual user profiles' AppData folders now.
  • - Fixed application window jumping locations when switching from scanning screen back to mode selection or exam pick screen.
  • - Fixed bug with searches that return single results not showing exam detail when single clicked on after a second search.

  • New INI option 'ReuseModalityStationName' (True/*False  - MODE or COMMON).
    • Use this to decide if the DICOM tag 'StationName' returned by an archive query will be used by DocScanFx for new images it creates.  
    • Normally the station name for new DocScanFx generated images is the hostname or whatever is specified in the INI file with entry 'StationName'.
  • New INI option 'DicomArchiveReturnTagsCustom'.  
    • Adds ability to specify additional search tags to find via queries (can be tag value or name) and can be specified at the Mode or COMMON level,
    • Each value should be separated with pipe symbols: |
    • Example:   DicomArchiveReturnTagsCustom=00100024|00400032|00400033
  • DocScanFx generated images can now contain DICOM tags obtained from an XML file integration or from custom query responses (DicomArchiveReturnTagsCustom).
    • Options to include custom mapped data tags can be set at the Mode or COMMON level.
    • The entries in the INI file are named MappedTagCustom1 - MappedTagCustom8.
    • These are the tags that should be used with the custom values coming from the XML file or queries.  Examples:
      • MappedTagCustom1=(0010,0021)
      • MappedTagCustom1=(0010,0024)
      • MappedTagCustom2=(0040,0032)
      • MappedTagCustom3=(0040,0033)
    • Added INI option MappedTagsAllowBlankValues (True/False*).  
      • If TRUE then MappedTagCustom1-8 values are populated and set to no value (NULL) even if no data is found, e.g., the blank value will still get inserted.  
      • If set to False, the tag is not added if the value is missing/blank.

  • Fixed problem with random images not transmitting to PACS because of failed decompression process.
  • INI option "AdditionalDicomTags" supports using all macro replace values in the referenced DICOM tag section to allow adding variable data to tags.
  • Added INI option 'KeyDeployment' to help with Site license deployments.  Can be used to add a dated deploy license to INI until all system IDs can be submitted for permanent keys.

  • Setup allows for selection of alternate install location if desired
  • When reinstalling if the setup finds an existing INI file it backs up the existing INI file with date/time stamp and prompts whether or not to overwrite
  • Fixed Forms text not unselecting when field was not in focus
  • Fixed Forms hover tip bug
  • Fixed Forms crash error
  • Fixed Forms font choice reverting to default when editing field properties

  • Supports sending one exam's DocScanFx images to up to 5 different DICOM destinations.  In COMMON or Mode use StoreArchive2-StoreArchive5 to add up to an additional 4 more destinations to send the same DICOM documents to:
    • StoreArchive or StoreArchive1, StoreArchive2, StoreArchive3, StoreArchive4, StoreArchive5
  • When sending images to additional DICOM destinations you can specify different calling AE titles if needed:
    • DicomStoreLocalAeTitle, DicomStoreLocalAeTitle1, DicomStoreLocalAeTitle2, DicomStoreLocalAeTitle3, DicomStoreLocalAeTitle4, DicomStoreLocalAeTitle5
    • If alternative DicomStoreLocalAeTitle's are not specified then DicomStoreLocalAeTitle is used for all.
  • Added support for multiple scanners.  Use INI option NAPS2UseProfile: [Defaults to NULL, otherwise specify name of profile setup in NAPS2]
  • NAPS2 setup will not run when launched from DocScanFx if end user does not have modify rights to the necessary NAPS2 configuration files.  A warning is given instead.
  • Fixed bug where SOP Instance UID could be over the limit of 64 characters.
  • dsTrigger no longer has a GUI logging console.  Look for log file at %temp%\dsTrigger_Debug_YYYYMMDD.txt when INI debug option is enabled.  Optionally use a tool like baretail to monitor it in real time.
  • Corrected 'Discard' button actions in Forms mode.
  • Forms Enhancements:
    • Forms .txt files now save in XML format instead of pipe delimited for easier manual editing and troubleshooting
    • Added drop down menu input option to Forms
    • Added new input field property to mark items as required
    • Added right click Edit menu to Forms' 'Edit' mode to change input's size, tooltip, default text, editable/read-only, required, size, font, etc.
  • Fixed integration mode where missing values can be queried via acession number instead of Study Instance UID.  Use this INI value in COMMON or MODE to adjust behavior: IntegrationQueryMissingValuesTWithTag: [SIUID*/Accession]

  • Fixed INI value ModalityMatchPreference which was missing the modality type DX as a default validation choice.
  • Added INI option 'GuiAllowMinimize'.  This adds a minimize option to DocScanFx.
  • Forms INI value 'FormDropdownPromptText' defaults to "Select choice", but can be changed so different text is shown for on drop down menus.
  • INI value of AlwaysForceUniqueStudyIUIDs (True/*False) to force archive or MWL queried exams to always use a new SIUID.  This will force a new exam in PACS when the images are stored.

  • Correction for support of non-portable install of NAPS2 to be referenced with COMMON\PathToNAPS2 INI option
  • Corrected issue where clicking Submit would not work if 10 images were being submitted for processing
  • Fixed Revert button not functioning for non-form images
  • Updated NAPS2 to v5.5.0 which, among other things, added Scanning profile deskew option

  • Optimized DICOM file creation - 15x faster than before
  • Fixed problem with single query results
  • Interface components are resizable to accommodate varying text lengths for different language translations
  • Additional tweaking of the send notificaition result message

  • Removed extra white space from Key= line in INI file to avoid spaces invalidating a correct key.
  • Fixed send notification result message not appearing when send failure occurred.

  • If DEBUG mode is on, the ABOUT button has a context menu option to show the current log file.  
    • If Resources\BareTail\BareTail.exe exists, the log file will open in baretail.
  • Added DICOM query output to the log file content if DEBUG is turned on.
  • 'SaveJpegCopyToFolder' - New INI option for COMMON (global) or Mode specific to save JPEG copies of the processed images to a defined folder.
  • If this option does not exist, no attempt to store JPEG copies of the images will be made.
  • If it does exist, any preexisting JPEG files in this folder location will be deleted prior to adding new images.
  • {{JpegTempFilesFolder}} is a new macros which is populated with the SaveJpegCopyToFolder INI value.

  • Added improved error checking for archive and MWL queries
  • Corrected bug in AutoImportFolder option
  • Additional PACS integrations options available by only passing Study Instance UID.  Works with NovaRad PACS.
  • Set in COMMON or referrenced mode: IntegrationQueryMissingValues=True
  • Use in conjunction with IntegrationQueryMissingValues=True to retrieve other needed patient/exam values
  • Example: DSTrigger.exe StudyInstanceUID= "mode=Requisition"

  • Moved macros in form editing directly to the right click menu of the text input box title instead of a separate selection box.
  • Fixed inability to re-edit a form if its position has been changed using the thumbnail up/down context menus
  • Fixed ability for 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' context menu button text to be translated
  • Set Common INI file option of WriteDebugLog=True to write a debug log file to %Temp%\DocScan_Debug_YYYYMMDD.txt
  • Resolved bug if wrong AE title is called
  • Fixed integrated image editor's "jumpy" pen bug
  • Updated static Java to JRE_1.8.0_131

  • Removed dependency on third party 'convert.exe'. Now uses all native code for image conversion.
  • Added authentication INI option 'AutoSilentLogonGroupCheck' True/False to allow for first logon attempt to silently validate if user is a member of the required AD group and then bypasses the login user interface.
  • Added better warnings for auth login to alert user to incorrect group name and user not a member of the group.
  • Zooming an image to fill the full user interface now fills the space better and if the user clicks the exit button it exits zoom and not the application
  • Added ConfirmationMessageDelay which will show a confirmation box when images are sent and they are successful or fail.
    • No value = no box, unless there is a failure
    • 0 = no auto close
    • 1-360 = # seconds before notification auto closes
  • Added IntegrationQueryMissingValues = True/False used when XML is only a SIUID and to trigger a query of the mode's DICOM settings to replace other missing values before validating.
  • Fixed thumbnail image creation issue
  • Removed empty links for old third party software in About screen
  • In integrated mode if exam fails validation check after attempt to query missing data (IntegrationQueryMissingValues=True) then new value
  • IntegrationExitOnFailedMissingValues can be used to decide if application should exit or allow user to manually enter missing data.
  • Added integration mode on screen indicator that DocScan is loading.  Also added message boxes to inform users if integration fails.
  • Changed button on demographics screen from "Scan" to "Next".  Button text is still configurable through INI file.
  • Added User auditing of these events: App Start, Login, Query, Select, Store, & App Stop
  • About - Troubleshooting file now includes listing of key app folder contents
  • Beta code for providing language translations

  • Column sorting issue with non-date values converting to dates has been fixed

  • Fixed preceding zeros in MRNs on search results list view disappear when sorting column on MRN.  Applied fix to accession column as well.
  • Fixed array out of range error when no DICOM search results are found.
  • Zoom defaults to full user interface now.  Liked it better before>? To use old half screen zoom set ZoomOnlyToHalfScreen=True
  • Fixed date sorting issue in exam list.
  • Fixed integrated mode DStrigger was deleting the XML file before DocScan had a chance to read it.
  • Added visual indicator that DocScanFx is loading when using integrated mode so end user knows something happened when they initiate it.
  • Clicking the DocScanFx logo in the About screen will copy the contents of informational file %Temp%\DocScan.txt to the clipboard for troubleshooting.
  • Fixed Yodel notification in Prompt mode trying to send when No was clicked.

  • Added forms features to create and edit forms.
  • Added ability to draw directly on forms.
  • Right click on form gives option to edit/create template if AllowConvertImageToForm = True
  • Right click on an image gives option to convert image to template if AllowConvertImageToForm = True
  • Removed support for PDF forms (no longer needs GhostScript module)
  • Opening "About" will write a PC/DocScan info file to %Temp%\DocScan.txt for gathering info to troubleshoot an end user's PC better
  • Added query of reason for exam as available in DocScan and in macros for forms
  • Option to launch third party app after DICOM send (includes new macro replace values)
  • PostStoreRunThirdPartyApp
  • PostStoreRunThirdPartyAppDir
  • PostStoreRunThirdPartyAppArgs
  • PostStoreRunThirdPartyAppWait
  • Removed direct integration of MicroDicom via INI option ViewDicomImagesBeforeSending because this can be done through third party integration now.  Example:
    • PostStoreRunThirdPartyApp=C:\PACSMATT\DocScan3.14159\Resources\MicroDicom\mDicom.exe
    • PostStoreRunThirdPartyAppArgs="{{DicomImageFolder}}\" /scan
  • Option to send Yodel popup notifications to one or more destinations
  • YodelNotificationSend(Never, Auto, Prompt, Modify)
  • YodelNotificationDestination(Hostname of PC or IP address running Yodel)
  • YodelNotificationMessage(Supports macro replacements)
  • XML integration supports reason for exam now
  • Removed checks for pdf, ghostscript, and microdicom modules
  • Form bug fix: reopening a form correctly inserts fake latin text.  
  • Forms green screen error when adding controls fixed.

  • Fixed login prompt in scanning screen when log on is disabled
  • Added image editing, still can shell out to default editor, or custom one
  • Fixed grayed out Forms button when forms is forced open in a mode
  • Added auth at mode selection screen and in search GUI (if mode was bypassed).
  • Supports local accounts, AD accounts, and AD group membership
  • Includes forced re-auth after timeout.
  • New INI options related to AD:
    • Auth-Required
    • Auth-UseCurrentWindowsUser
    • Auth-Domain
    • Auth-DomainLock
    • Auth-DomainShow
    • Auth-ADGroup
    • Auth-QueryGroups
    • Auth-TimeOut

  • 'Modes' is no longer a required entry in the INI.  All mode sections will be derived by searching for the "StoreArchive' required entry in each mode in the INI.
  • Supports exporting created DICOM files to a folder instead of performing a DICOM send.  Example: Archive6=Archive|C:\DocScan_DICOM   (Files are always overwritten)
  • Added right click option to set date time to NOW for Manual and semi-query modes
  • Added vertical scroll bar to Mode Selection edit control
  • Clicking on Mode section heading also adds that mode's specific info, if no mode, then it adds COMMON settings
  • Added INI option to hide auto-discovered modes from drop down list (ExcludeModeFromList=True).  Won't affect forced modes list (COMMON\Modes).
  • Added INI option (AllowForcedSeriesModQuestion) to allow end users to access the series mod question outside triggered date/times.
  • Magic forms can now be forced to be already open when the scan gui appears (INI option ForceMagicFormsOpen=True)
  • Fixed semi-manual mode not setting a static modality
  • Switched ModalityChoices to be a mode or common setting and not just a common setting
  • Added INI options for exporting and printing thumbnails (AllowImageExport and AllowImagePrint)
  • Visual log clears when returning to mode selection screen.