The DocScanFx application can be repackaged for use with various enterprise software deployment systems.  This aids in doing a mass installation to many computers in an automated fashion.  The steps below are a general guideline for preparing an install for packaging and the requirements for the custom installation process.  Please reach out to support for any specific questions not covered here, or for further details on any of these steps.

Initial Configuration of DocScanFx

  1. Perform an installation of DocScanFx on a test computer (general install Instructions).  Do not install to a network drive.  DocScanFx needs to be installed to the local workstation's hard drive.
  2. Run DocScanFx and enter the license key, facility information, and PACS details.
  3. Test the application and build out all the "mode" workflows you will need.  Address issues like:
    1. Do you need multiple workflows (modes)?  For example, different settings for an US tech versus an MRI tech's use of DocScanFx.
    2. Do you want to query the MWL or the archive?  Or do you need to be able to query either depending on the workflow?
    3. What do you want the search screen capabilities to look like for the end user?  Lock it down to just searching by accession number or MRN?  Leave it wide open to allow the user to search for anything?  Something in between?
    4. Will the users be required to log in with AD credentials before using DocScanFx? Contact support for assistance with this setup.
    5. Do you want images inverted so they have black backgrounds?
    6. Do you want users to be able to import image files, PDF files, do screen captures into DocScanFx, virtual print into DocScanFx, or just scan paperwork?  Some combination of these but not all?  Maybe you want some workflows to have more options than others?
    7. Do you need to convert paper forms for use as electronic documents in DocScanFx?
    8. Do you need to use custom local AE titles for querying your MWL or PACS?
    9. If you have multiple modes (workflows) do you want separate desktop shortcuts to launch into each mode?

Preparing for repackaging

  1. Open the DocScan.INI file located in the root of the install directory.  Typically this is: C:\Program Files (x86)\DocScanFx
  2. In the [LICENSE] section completely remove the Facility, Location, SystemID and Hostname rows.
  3. DocScanFx can automatically detect the installed scanner the first time it is run after an installation.  This is recommended even when the same model scanner is used on all workstations.  In the [Common] section change the row ScannerAutoDetect to:    ScannerAutoDetect=Once
  4. Delete the currently installed scanner from DocScanFx's configuration by going to the root of the DocScanFx install and opening the Resources\NAPS2 folder. Then run NAPS2.Portable.exe and click the Profiles button. If there are any scanners shown, select them one at a time and click the Delete button until they are all removed.  Exit NAPS2.

Package deployment

The enterprise software management system must perform these steps for a successful deployment:

  1. Review the system requirement to ensure the target computers have the necessary requirements.
  2. Create a "DocScanFx" install folder preferably in the default location of C:\Program Files (x86)\DocScanFx
  3. Give the USERS group MODIFY rights to the DocScanFx folder so that any files and subfolders\files it contains inherit these same permissions.  It is possible to limit permissions to only certain files and folders inside the DocScanFx folder.  If this is desired please contact support.  Note that doing so can hinder some future planned features and certain support capabilities.
  4. The entire folder\file structure created in the "Initial Configuration of DocScanFx" section needs to be created in the DocScanFx folder from step #1.
  5. Create an All Users Desktop shortcut to the DocScan.exe file located in the root of the install folder.  Alternatively, create more shortcuts to additional DocScanFx modes if needed.


  1. If the virtual printer driver needs to be packaged for deployment please contact support for those additional steps.
  2. If each deployed installation needs different local AE titles, destination AE/IP/port, or other unique settings, then those would need to be manually configured after the application has been installed on the target workstation.