Are you upgrading to v3.4.x.x from a previous version?  Click here.

Upgrading to version 3.3.x.x or lower

Reinstalling or upgrading to a new version of DocScanFx is easy.  Just follow the steps below for the version of DocScanFx your are working with.

  • If your current version of DocScanFx is version 3.3 or above, AND you do NOT use DocScanFx's electronic forms feature and/or you do NOT use the Philips iSite PACS integration then your upgrade path is:
    • Simply uninstall your current version of DocScanFx using the WIndows control panel and reinstall the new version.  When you uninstall any version of DocScanFx v3.3 and above, the INI settings file and scanner profile setting files remain in place and the newly installed version will use your already configured files.  Uninstall & reinstall and you are done!
  • If your current version of DocScanFx is version 3.2 or below, OR you use any version of DocScanFx AND the forms feature and/or Philips iSite PACS integration then your upgrade path is:
    • Follow the "Manual Backup of Files for Reinstall" instructions below to take copies of the important settings, scanner, forms, and/or integration files prior to uninstalling DocScanFx and use them during the reinstallation.
    • Note that the same instructions below can be used for deploying DocScanFx to multiple computers to unsure they all have the same settings and files.

Manual Backup of Files for Reinstall

  1. Browse to your currently installed DocScanFx installation folder, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\DocScanFx and copy your DocScan.INI file to a folder that contains the DocScanFx Setup program for the version you want to install. It should look something like the first image at the bottom of this page.
  2. Uninstall your current version of DocScanFx.
  3. Run the new setup installer and it will recognize the DocScan.INI file in the same folder as the Setup application and use that INI file instead of the generic one it comes with.
  4. Optional:You can add several other files to the install folder to automatically ensure the scanner, any electronic forms, and/or Philips iSite PACS integration files are setup again in the new version:
    • To copy your scanner settings, put a copy of the \DocScanFx\Resources\NAPS2\Data\profiles.xml file in your install folder.
    • To copy all your electronic forms during a reinstall/upgrade, copy your \DocScanFx\Resources\Forms folder to your install folder.
    • To copy your Philips iSite integration files, place a copy of your \DocScanFx\Resources\Integrations folder in your install folder.