Almost all of DocScanFx's configuration settings are stored in a text file called DocScan.INI which is commonly referenced in these support pages as the "INI file".  You can open this INI file with a text editor like notepad (preferable something a little more robust like NotePad++), and it looks like this:

From here you can modify settings (documented here), save the file, and restart DocScanFx to see the changes.  However, there is an alternative way to edit the INI file which many users find easier to navigate.

Starting in version there is a new INI file Editor available for changing setting in the DocScanFx application.  The INI Editor application makes working with the different INI sections easier and it includes a library look up for most of the available settings to.

You can access the INI Editor from the Start Menu, or by browsing to the DocScanFx\Resources folder and running the INI_Editor.exe file, or with DocScanFx running right click on the ABOUT button and choosing the ADJUST SETTINGS option (assuming you haven't disabled this):

The INI Editor will attempt to load its associated INI file (one folder higher) and the initial screen would look something like this:

Each of the INI sections is shown in the "Sections" list.  Click on one and the settings related to that section will be shown to the right in the Settings area:

Note the Sections list has button options to Add, Delete, Rename, Duplicate, and move sections up and down.  Both the "Dup" buttons in the INI Editor have right click options for copying content to and from the clipboard.  This makes it easy to work on multiple INI files at once because you can start multiple instances of the INI Editor and use the File menu to open other remote INI files (perhaps across your network to your end user's computer).

If you choose a setting in the Settings section and click INFO the lower portion of the screen will display details about that setting:

With a setting highlighted you can click EDIT and make changes to the setting name or value.  In addition, you can choose to disable the setting, or indicate that the entry is just a comment:

You can use the Option section to search for settings and see their descriptions and usage.  Type a portion of a setting you are looking for in the SEARCH field and the "winnowing" list will narrow to show matching settings.  Check the "Also Search Details" box to expand your key word search to the details portion of the settings, too.  In addition, you can use the FILTER drop down list to narrow your search to settings that apply to certain section types.

Additional Notes:

  • Search for * to show all the setting options, or if you've filtered to a section type search for * to show all the setting options available for that section type.
  • Start typing a section name in brackets to get a list of section descriptions telling what the section is used for.