DocScanFx can directly integrate with Philips IntelliSpace PACS Enterprise resulting in easy access to document scanning right from within the open exam in PACS.  Integration eliminates the need to perform a search and select an exam for scanning.  Follow the steps below to enable integration.

Note that the Philips integration files are included in DocScanFx v3.0.2.  Contact support if you have a prior version and you would like to use the integration. 

Configuring DSTrigger

For iSite integration to work a listener application named DSTrigger needs to be running in the background of the workstation where scanning will be performed.  DSTrigger watches for requests to scan from PACS, gathers the patient and exam information and starts DocScanFx beginning on the scanning screening.  The DSTriger.exe file is in the same installation folder where your DocScanFx.exe file installed to.

  • Note: This step is not necessary if you installed version or higher and chose iSIte Integration component. Otherwise, to configure DSTrigger to load whenever a user logs on, either:
    • Create a shortcut to the "DSTrigger.exe' file in the Start Menu -> All Users -> Startup  folder (usually 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup')
    • Or, use REGEDIT to create a new string value entry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run which contains a path to DSTrigger.exe.  Name the string value "DocScanFx DSTrigger" and in our example we would set the value to "C:\Program Files (x86)\DocScanFx\DSTrigger.exe"
  • Note: This step is not necessary if you installed version or higher and chose iSIte Integration component.  Otherwise, add the following option to your INI file's COMMON section so DSTrigger runs in iSite Integration mode:

  • Run DSTrigger.exe from your DocScanFx install folder and look in the system tray for the binocular icon indicating DSTrigger is listening for integration events.  You won't need to manually do this in the future because it will load automatically.
  • Browse to your DocScanFx install folder and open the "Resources\Integrations\iSite" folder.
  • Note: If you installed version or higher and chose iSIte Integration component there will already be three pluggin files in the location described in the next step.  You can use these existing files or create your own as described.  
  • In v3.1.0.4 there is a 'EnterpriseDocScanFx_Plugin-Scan-Test.htm' file in the iSite integration folder which can be used independent of an integrated iSite in order to ensure your Internet Explorer settings are configured correctly.  If you are using an older version of DocScanFx and would like this file please contact support.  Otherwise, run the file and a list of manual patient/exam fields will be shown.  Type info in all these fields and submit it and DocScanFx should run.  This is only for testing.  In iSite integrated mode, iSite will be sending over all this information to DocScanFx.  If Internet Explorer displays any warnings about ActiveX, or requires any approval clicks prior to this test working, then your IE permissions for iSite are not configured correctly.  you can view this video to see a set of working IE security settings.  However, the most likely setting to change is this one: 
    •  Open Internet Explorer, click “Tools”, then “Internet Options”, then go to the “Advanced” tab and scroll down to the “Security” section and check “Allow active content to run in files on My Computer”. Then restart Internet Explorer and test again.

  • Make a copy of the "EnterpriseDocScanFx_Plugin.htm" file in the same location and name the new copy something indicative of what you'll be using DocScanFx for.  In this example we added "-Req" to the filename:
  • Open the copy you made of the html file in a text editor like Notepad++.
  • Look for these lines near the top of the file:
    //This is the name of the DocScanFx context menu option
    var MENU_NAME = "DocScanFx";
    //This is the name of the mode to run when DocScanFx starts:
    var MODE = "Requisition - Integrated";

  • As shown on the 3rd line above, by default the option to click on in the PACS right click context menu for starting DocScanFx will be the text "DocScanFx".  Replace this text in the quotes if you want something different.  In this example we will use "DocScanFx - Scan Requisition".
  • The 5th line above indicates what DocScanFx mode should be launched when the integration is used.  Set this text in quotes to the mode you want to use.
  • Save the file and keep the path to it handy for later.

Configure IntelliSpace PACS Enterprise

  • Log in to Philips IntelliSpace PACS Enterprise with admin rights.
  • Click on the 'P' in the upper right corner to access Preferences.
  • Click on "Plug Ins"
  • Click the "Add" button
  • In the "Name" field type something like what is shown below.  This is the only place this text is shown.
  • On the "URL" line paste a path to the html file you modified earlier
  • Place a check in the "Enable in Enterprise" box and ensure there are no other checks in the other boxes as shown below.
  • Click OK, exit Preferences, and log out of and back in to PACS.

  • Open an exam in PACS and right click your mouse on one of the thumbnail images.
  • Click the option to launch DocScanFx and it will load up ready to scan images:


  • If you want your users to be able to access DocScanFx from PACS with different modes, you can add additional right click context menu options for those modes.  Follow the steps above to make another copy of the "EnterpriseDocScanFx_Plugin.htm" file which has the additional context menu name for the mode to run and the other mode name in it.  Then follow the steps in the "Configure IntelliSpace PACS Enterprise" section again to add another plug in referencing this new file.  Save the settings and restart your PACS session and you'll have two or more options to start DocScanFx.
  • To eliminate one more click for your end users, try setting the INI option shown below in same section as is being called by the integration.  This will cause DocScanFx to immediately start scanning the pages when it starts.  Now your workflow is reduced to a click to start DocScanFx in PACS and a second click to send the images to PACS!