DocScanFx uses third party DICOM tools like DCM4CHE and DCMTK to perform various DICOM related network communication.  Because of how DocScanFx parses the INI file settings we can "hack" the search query string to include search parameters that aren't directly available in the application.  We do this by adding additional search commands to the end of the DicomQueryLocalAeTitle INI option as shown in the sample "Dexa" mode below.

This sample mode is setup to auto query a Modality Worklist (MWL) for CR exams done today.  The tech would then select their exam from the queried response list in order to scan in the DEXA paperwork.  However, you can see the search modality is set to "CR" and therefore the potential exists for a large number of non-Dexa exams to be presented to the end user for selection.  Look closely at line #9 below to see how we've manually added an additional search parameter that limits the responses to only Dexa exams.  Here is what is happening:

  • In this case, the facility has only two Dexa procedures they order and both exams begin with the text "XR Bone Density..."
  • The DicomQueryLocalAeTitle INI option is used to specify to the AE title to use when performing a DICOM query.  This value is normally left blank (and the computer's hostname is used) or it is set explicitly with this option to force it to a known value.  Here it is set to "MyAeTitle" - your required value here may differ.
  • After the AE title there is a space and then this text:  -q00321060="XR Bone Density*"
  • This is the format to add another search parameter.  It's a dash, then a letter q, then the 8 digit DICOM tag (Study Description in this case), then an equal sign, and finally the text to search for surrounded with quotes.  Note the use of a an asterisk wildcard so the search will return both exam names.
  • When DocScanFx passes the local AE title to the DICOM search this additional search value will be passed and processed as well.  The end result being that the search will only return the two exam procedures which match the partial name search, and therefore the end user will only see relevant exams.
  • You can test different combinations of -q and DICOM tag searches to manipulate your own search results.  Note that you can also pass more than one -q parameter using this method, too.  Just separate each one with a space.

[Dexa (Auto Search)]
ModeDescription=Use this mode to scan in the Dexa pages.
DicomQueryLocalAeTitle=MyAeTitle -q00321060="XR Bone Density*"
QueryHeaderLabels=Patient|MRN|DOB|Sex|Date|Time|Order #|Mod|Doctor|Exam|SIUID