When displaying the results of a search the default columns shown look like the image below.  The remained of this article will show you how to:

  • Choose the displayed columns
  • Reorder the columns
  • Change the width of the DocScanFx window so more of the columns are displayed.

Here is the layout of the default search columns - note that you need to click on a row in order to see the exam description in the lower details window:

Let's make a few changes so the Study Description and Study Instance UID are added to look like this:

The QueryHeaderOrder INI option changes the columns which are shown.  The available columns have these number associated with them:

  1. Patient’s Name
  2. Patient ID
  3. Patient’s Birth Date
  4. Patient’s Sex
  5. Study Date
  1. Study Time
  2. Accession
  3. Modality
  4. Referring Physician's Name
  5. Study Description
  6. Study Instance UID



 By default QueryHeaderOrder is equal to "1|2|7|8|5".  So if this INI option is not specified in the [COMMON] section or your mode section, the  columns shown will be:

Patient Name | Patient ID | Accession | Modality | Study Date

Setting QueryHeaderOrder=1|2|7|8|5|10|11- will give us the columns as displayed in the second screenshot above where we have added Study Description and the Study Instance UID.  

Note that there is a minus sign after column 11.  The minus tells DocScanFx to not expand the width of that column to fit the data it contains.  You can do this to any column you don't have a need to auto-expand.

If you test this suggested change in your INI file you will notice the columns are cut off because of the fixed width of the DocScanFx window.  You can force the search results window to be wider by up to 300 pixels using the INI option shown below which in this case would increase it by 120 pixels.


The final change you can make to the displayed columns is to change the names of the column headers.  To do this, use this INI option (note the default value is shown):

QueryHeaderLabels=Name|ID|DOB|Sex|Date|Time|Accession|Mod|Referring|Study Description|SIUID

This setting allows you rename the DICOM search result headers to something new.  All 11 column titles must be in the 1-11 order shown above and separated with pipes.  It's very important that you keep the order of the columns when renaming, but QueryHeaderOrder can still be used to rearrange the displayed order.

Example:  QueryHeaderLabels=Patient          |MRN        |DOB   |Sex|Date|Time|Order #|Mod|Doctor|Exam     |SIUID

Note that using these settings you can have completely different columns, widths, and headers for each mode in your INI file.  Use whatever best suits the workflow you are trying to create!