In DocScanFx all the settings for the application are contained in the DocScan.INI file. An INI file's settings are grouped by section names surrounded by brackets. A sample DocScan.INI file is shown at the end of this article. Note the separate [License], [Dicom], and [COMMON] sections. After those three sections are several distinct "mode" sections. The first one in the example is named [Scan to Recent Studies (Auto Search)].
A "mode" is a named group of settings for using DocScanFx in a certain way. End users of DocScanFx can be given a choice of the different modes to pick from. Their choice of mode will decide everything from what options they have for adding images (scanning, screen capture, file import, forms, etc.), to how and where the images will be stored. Global settings from the [COMMON] section can be overwritten by repeating the same setting in the mode. The name of the mode in brackets can be any text that doesn't conflict with another INI section name. This same name is what is presented to the end user in the "Modes" drop down menu.
[LICENSE] Key=AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE-FFFFF [Dicom] Archive=Archive|PACS_STORE_AE@ Worklist=Worklist|PACS_WORKLIST_AE@ [COMMON] SeriesNumber=99999 SeriesDescription=Scanned Documents OneStudyPerScan=True AllowConvertImageToForm=True FormsSection=Forms SourceOptionScan=True SourceOptionImport=True SourceOptionScreenCapture=True SourceOptionForms=True ScanOptionZoom=True ScanOptionInvert=True ScanOptionGray=True ScanOptionRotate=True ScanOptionCrop=True ScanOptionEdit=True ScanOptionRevert=True ScanOptionDelete=True [Scan to Recent Studies (Auto Search)] ModeDescription=Automatically queries the archive for a list of exams from yesterday, today, and tomorrow. DefaultDICOMSearchMethod=Auto ModeWorkflow=Query DicomSearchDateRange=1-Today+1 QuerySource=Archive StoreArchive=Archive StackSeriesImages=True [Scan Worksheet (Search Accession)] ModeDescription=Search the archive by accession number for exams done today. DefaultDICOMSearchMethod=Accession ;DefaultDICOMSearchMethod=MRN ModeWorkflow=Query DicomSearchDateRange=Today QuerySource=Archive StoreArchive=Archive SeriesDescription=US Worksheet SeriesNumber=999 ;DicomSearchModality=US [Scan and Auto Invert (Search Multi)] ModeDescription=Search the archive with multiple methods and automatically convert the images to grayscale and invert them. Also adjust the size of the application and the rows of information shown. DefaultDICOMSearchMethod=Multiple ModeWorkflow=Query MultiSearchDateRangeDefault=Today QuerySource=Archive StoreArchive=Archive DicomSearchModality= SeriesDescription=Scanned Documents AutoImageInvert=True AutoImageGray=True QueryHeaderOrder=1|2|7|8|5|10|11- GuiSearchWidthIncrease=100 [Manual] ModeDescription=Use this mode to manually enter all information. ModeWorkflow=Manual SetModality=OT AllowEditExamModality=False StoreArchive=Archive [Forms] 1=KUB_US_Worksheet.jpg|KUB US Worksheet|Sample US worksheet 2=Pelvic_US_Worksheet.jpg|Pelvic US Worksheet|Sample US worksheet 3=Prelim Carotid Duplex.jpg|Prelim Carotid Duplex Scan Report|Sample US worksheet