Review the "Typical Scanned Requisition Mode" first to get an idea of basic mode settings. The custom mode described below only comments on the features not described in the other article.
The example below is an advanced mode used for adding a variety of informational images to scheduled (MWL Query) or performed ultrasound exams (archive query). This example also shows how to setup the DocScanFx Forms feature. For more information on setting up electronic forms see this article.
DocScan.INI Mode Text:
[US - Today (Auto Search)] ModeDescription=Automatically performs a worklist query for US exams scheduled for today. DefaultDICOMSearchMethod=Auto ModeWorkflow=Query DicomSearchModality=US DicomSearchDateRange=Today QuerySource=Worklist1 StoreArchive=Archive1 AllowImageExport=True AllowImagePrint=True ScanOptionZoom=True ScanOptionInvert=True ScanOptionGray=True ScanOptionRotate=True ScanOptionCrop=True ScanOptionEdit=True ScanOptionRevert=True ScanOptionDelete=True SourceOptionScan=True SourceOptionImport=False SourceOptionScreenCapture=True SourceOptionForms=True FormsSection=Ultrasound_Forms ForceMagicFormsOpen=True [Ultrasound_Forms] 1=Worksheet-VascUS-UE.pdf|Upper Extremity Worksheet|Form last updated 10/1/2016 2=Worksheet-VascUS-LE.pdf|Lower Extremity Worksheet|Form last updated 10/1/2016 3=Worksheet-US-ABD.pdf|Abdominal Worksheet|Form last updated 9/15/2016
- DefaultDICOMSearchMethod=Auto causes DocScanFx to skip an MRN or accession search and automatically search for and display all query matches by date and modality.
- To allow for adding informational images to PACS when no exam exists in the archive set QuerySource=Worklist1 where "Worklist1" is a Modality Worklist entry from the [DICOM] section of the INI file.
- AllowImageExport=True and AllowImagePrint=True settings add two right click context menu items to the thumbnail buttons on the image acquisition screen of DocScanFx. In this example these additional buttons are needed to allow the end users to either make a backup printout or export a copy of the selected image in DocScanFx to some other location.
- The eight ScanOption... settings decide what image manipulation tools are available to end users. They are all set to "True" in this example, however all but the "Crop" and "Edit" settings are already "True" by default. For this example, all eight are explicitly set to "True" to ensure any of these settings that may be in the global [COMMON] settings section are overridden.
- All the SourceOption... settings are set to "True". For this mode end users have the option to scan, import image files from their PC, perform screen captures, and use forms.
- The setting FormsSection=Ultrasound_Forms tells this mode to look for another INI section named [Ultrasound_Forms] for a list of forms to display in DocScanFx's image acquisition window.
The ForceMagicFormsOpen=True setting forces the Forms selection window to already be open when the end user enters the DocScanFx image acquisition window. This is useful if the most common action will be to use a form, or if you are adding multiple images from multiple sources it helps to encourage users to add the form first.
The [Ultrasound_Forms] sections shows three entries for form files. The format is an ordering #, followed by an equal sign, then the name of the PDF or JPEG form file (stored in the \Resources\Forms folder), a pipe symbol '|', then a title for the form, another pipe '|', and finally any text that should show if the user hovers their mouse over the form image. Note that the title and hover text are optional.
DocScanFx Screenshots of this Mode: