You can add additional DICOM tags on a mode by mode basis by using the AdditionalDicomTags INI setting and creating a new section in your INI file that has all the tag info you want added.  In the example below we've set AdditionalDicomTags=DICOM-TAGS:


You can see here that we've added a new section to the INI file called "DICOM_TAGS":


The format for these DICOM tags is:
  • Tag name then an equal sign
  • Tag number surrounded with parenthesis and then a pipe symbol '|' 
  • Then the value to set the tag to.
    • As of version, macro replace values can be used here to provide access to variable data instead of just static fields.  Go here for more info on macros.

Use this feature to add any additional tags that you want to your DICOM images.  Note that DocScanFx will attempt to add any DICOM tag you specify here, so please be careful.  Feel free to contact support if you have any questions.